Politica di rimborso

For problems relating to payments or to request a refund, please contact the contact form or write an email to info@callingfans.com with the subject Refund.
Refunds are accepted for causes due to malfunctioning of the platform or payment system and must be communicated within and no later than 24 hours from the time of payment that you want to be refunded. In all other cases the refund is not made.
The refund procedure is managed by our team in Italian, English and Spanish within 24 hours of receiving the email. All payments due to technical problems due to a malfunction of the system or payment processor will be refunded within 24 hours of receiving the email. The refund is usually visible in your bank account within 10 days of the refund. For further information about the refund we remain at your disposal by contacting us in the appropriate contact form.